Oral Sedation
Oral Conscious Sedation
Using prescription sedatives taken an hour before your appointment, oral sedation allows you to feel as if you’re napping right through your dental procedure. This safe, “light” sedation option lasts a few hours and most people don’t remember a single thing about their visit.
Oral sedation is perfect for people with:
Mild to severe anxiety
More complex or longer procedures
The desire to “nap” through their dental visit
One hour prior to your scheduled treatment, you will be given a prescription sedative. Slowly it will begin to cause you to feel sleepy. Most people report feeling as if they are taking a light nap and are able to answer short questions. However, the medication also contains an amnesiac so it is rare for you to remember anything about the visit whatsoever.
Belgaum Dental Care offers oral sedation as a safe and effective way to overcome your concerns related to discomfort or anxiety. Call us to learn more.